High-tech pharmaceutical manufacturing in Ukraine: challenges of European integration
EU, Ukraine, European integration, pharmaceutical sector, industrial policy, strategy, pharmaceuticals, medical products, high-technologies, innovation.Abstract
Background. The crisis COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted that EU have strategic dependencies, particularly in the most sensitive industrial ecosystems such as for health. Ukraine implements the policy of European economic integration and the development of the pharmaceutical sector must take into account both European considerations and national interests.
Analysis of recent researches and publications revealed that the crisis COVID-19 pandemic revealed pharmaceutical industry problems; that require further study for adequate reproduction of the best practices in Ukraine.
The aim of the article is to explore the EU experience, to define and justify the necessary policy measures for the development of pharmaceuticals in Ukraine in the context of European integration.
Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis for writing the article was the works of domestic and foreign scholars on the outlines of an industrial policy for the pharmaceutical sector. The research was conducted using the methods of theoretical generalization, comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis, which made it possible to justify the need for changes in the management of high-tech pharmaceutical industries development in Ukraine.
Results. The regulations in force in Ukraine regulate legal relations in the pharmaceutical sector in the context of EU integration, but do not define the priorities of the sector and the measures to achieve them or the mechanisms for their implementation. Recommendations for Ukraine have been given, the implementation of which will accelerate the development of national high-tech pharmaceutical industries and related sectors of the economy taking into account changes in EU policy.
Conclusion. In Ukraine, first of all it is necessary to define the conceptual foundations of the strategy of development of the high-tech industry of pharmaceuticals and medical products, based on the modern challenges and threats, as well as global trends in the technology development; to build an effective decision making vertical on the implementation of industrial policy for the pharmaceutical sector, identify strategic priorities and evaluate the necessary funding, to introduce state support programs, introduce instruments to stimulate domestic demand for Ukrainian pharmaceutical and medical products, make changes to the public procurement system for the development of industry for national security purposes. Recommendations are proposed as to: improving the normative-legal and institutional principles of the development of pharmaceutical industry; strengthening the cooperation of the State, academic, educational, private sector and public; creating stable resources of funding programs and projects on the basis of public-private partnerships.
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