State regulation of import operations under martial law
martial law, import of goods, import volumes, currency restrictions, customs clearance.Abstract
Introduction. A significant share of the foreign trade turnover of Ukraine belongs to the import of goods, which was negatively affected by the war in Ukraine. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine constantly makes changes to the legislation, which requires business entities to promptly make effective management decisions.
Problem. The object of the study is the import operations of goods, the volume of which decreased with the introduction of martial law in Ukraine.
The aim – analysis of changes in the legislation on the import of goods under martial law, currency restrictions on import operations and their impact on the increase in demand for imported goods by business entities.
Methods. The research methodology involves the analysis of data on the value of imports during the months of the Russian military aggression, as well as temporary changes in legislation.
Results The general structure of Ukraine's imports during the first six months of the russian aggression was considered. The data of the National Institute of Strategic Studies on the import of goods compared to the same period in 2021 were analyzed. The factor in the decrease in import volumes is the introduction of the martial law in Ukraine and the ban on any import of goods from the russian federation. In order to make effective decisions regarding the implementation of foreign economic activities, including the import of goods, changes were constantly made to regulatory and legal acts. Changes in the legislation made it possible to facilitate the procedures for declaring certain goods when crossing the customs border, to simplify the documentation of goods and to exempt goods from taxation for the implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense.
Conclusions. The war in Ukraine had a negative impact on the development of the economy and international trade. There was a change in the focus of the import of goods, as primarily critical import goods were imported. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine constantly made changes to the normative legal acts, which made it possible for business entities to import goods and settle accounts with non-residents.
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