Crisis resilience of the tourism business in martial law




economic functions, crisis, crisis resilience, digitalization, hospitality entity, Holnagel potentials.


Introduction. Unprecedented crises have dramatically affected the activities of tourism entities. However, the dual nature of the crisis, although it causes negative phenomena in theirf unctioning, but on the othe rhand it contributes to the possibility of positive change. Therefore, crisis resilience issues now need to be studied and interpreted in the light of current challenges.
Problem. Domestic hospitality entities are working in the conditions of typologically changing crises, thereby the skills of economic
functions fulfillment are the basis of risk protection and adaptation to crises.
The aim of the article is to substantiate the crisis resilience of the hotel and restaurant business as components of the tourism system based on the synergy of their economic functions.
Methods. Methods of hypothesis, analysis, systematization and logical generalization were used in the article. The information base of our work includes legislation, lexicographic materials, scientific works on economic activity of economic entities and crisis management, online analytics and official statistical sources.
Results. The authors formulated operational definitions, characterize economic functions of crisis resilience of subjects of tourist system (hotels and restaurants). The decomposition of economic functions was carried out, which allowed identifying the directions of their implementation by the subjects of hospitality. Based on statistical analysis, the performance of hospitality entities in dynamics was demonstrated. We offered methodical and practical recommendations for the implementation of capabilities (potentials) of crisis resilience such as the ability to anticipate, control, respond and learn. The necessity of systematic and continuous monitoring of the implementation of economic functions to ensure the crisis resilience of business was stated.
Conclusions. In the context of a combination of pandemic and military crises, crisis management, which is formed by the system of
economic functions through the acquisition of capabilities (potentials) is an important tool for successful development. The research covers scientifically substantiated results that comprehensively solve the problem of acquiring the properties of business entities to absorb shocks, respond to environmental challenges and create protective mechanisms that can develop effecttive strategies for success in a crisis. 

Author Biographies

Margaryta BOIKO, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business

Liudmyla BOVSH, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business

Alla OKHRIMENKO, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

BOIKO М., BOVSH Л., & OKHRIMENKO А. (2022). Crisis resilience of the tourism business in martial law. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 42(2), 31–47.