Safety requirements for bedding products with volumetric fillers
safety, requirements, blankets, pillows, fillersAbstract
Background. Assortment of bedding products in Ukrainian market is wide. It includes blankets, mattress covers, pillows and other articles with different volumetric fillers.
Various materials can be used as volumetric fillers for bedding products, for example, birds’ down and feather, vegetable and animal fibers, as well as synthetic fibers. The right choice of filler and other textile materials determines their safety, which is an important problem.
The aim of the article is to carry out a comparative analysis of the requirements of domestic and foreign normative document regarding the safety of bedding products with volumetric fillers, in particular for blankets and pillows.
Material and methods. Methods of logical analysis and generalization of scientific literature, Ukrainian and international normative documents are used.
Results. General environmental requirements for various materials and products are regulated by the international standard ISO 9001. Based on this normativedocument for textile materials of different purpose international environmental standards were developed, for example,Oeko-Tex Standard 100 (for textile materials),Ukrainian standard DSTU 4239:2003 "Textile and leather materials and products of household purposes. Basic hygiene requirements", State sanitary norms and rules "Textile, artificial and fur materials and products. Basic hygienic requirements".
Conclusion. As a result of the comparative analysis of current Ukrainian and international regulatory documents, differences were found in the standardization of safety indicators. Therefore, it is advisable to propose to the Technical committee on standardization TC125 to revise and add the list of safety indicators and the level of requirements for them as regards textile materials and products in the respective Ukrainian regulatory documents, as well as the levels of their normalized values in accordance with modern requirements contained in the Oeko-Tex-100 standard. The above mentionedwill allowto provide domestic and international markets with safe and competitive bedding products.
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