The efficiency of the agricultural product supply chains as a factor its competitiveness increasing


  • Liudmyla KHARSUN Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


agro-logistic, agricultural products supply chain, transportation of agricultural cargoes, agricultural products storage


Background. Agricultural products are an important factor of Ukraine’s economic prosperity, the basis of its GDP, domestic and external commodity turnover. And given that the ratio of its cost and added value, according to some estimates, is 25/75 to the forefront of the issue of efficient supply chains organization, which would ensure its competitive advantages in terms of price, quality and reliability.
The logistics of the agrarian enterprises was investigated by many economists, but the analysis of literature shows that in these works insufficient attention is paid to ways to optimize the agricultural products supply chain.
The aim of the study is to research specific features of logistics service of agricultural products flows in Ukraine and outline ways how to realize the potential of its competitiveness increasing by optimizing the logistics component.
Material and methods. The information base for the research is statistical data presented in the publications of practical figures and experts in the agro-logistics market. Methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization became the basis of the research of the agricultural products logistics in Ukraine.
Results. Logistics activities are a necessary link in all business processes of agro-industrial enterprises and can serve as a source of risks, as well as additional competitive advantages. They have some features, which are predetermined mostly by the necessity of adjusting logistics processes depending on the seasonality of harvesting and marketing of most agro-industrial goods and mean greater variety and quantity of logistics operations involved in logistics of their flows.
Implementation of the potential for increasing the agricultural products competitiveness in Ukraine by optimizing the logistical component of their flows is limited by a number of problems related primarily to transport processes and the organization of storage operations.
At the same time a number of positive tendencies in the functioning of agricultural products supply chains are conditioned by the development of perspective directions of their streams and mean using innovative approaches to packaging, storage and transportation.
Conclusion. In general, the agro-logistics services market in Ukraine is quite dynamic and is developing due to satisfy the requirements for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products supply chains. This is evidenced by market trends such as the modernization and improvement of logistics operations through updating the rolling stock, the use of innovative packaging and handling equipment, optimizing the mode of transportation and shipping costs.

Author Biography

Liudmyla KHARSUN, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the
Department of Trading Business and Logistics


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How to Cite

KHARSUN Л. (2018). The efficiency of the agricultural product supply chains as a factor its competitiveness increasing. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 25(1), 168–179. etrieved from

