Dairy industry of Ukraine in martial law
dairy industry, problems, development, hostilities, losses, prospects, production, export, raw materials.Abstract
Introduction. At present, the dairy industry of Ukraine needs to solve extremely difficult tasks, the main of which is related to the need to ensure food security of the country in the extremely difficult conditions of hostilities on the territory of the state.
Problem. The dairy industry of Ukraine with the beginning of the war and the temporary occupation of the territory suffered significant losses caused by the loss of part of production capacity, the impact of inflationary processes, disruption of logistics chains.
The aim of the article is to determine the current state and prospects of development of the dairy industry of Ukraine.
Methods. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: analysis of scientific publications and statistics, analysis of the market situation and generalization of the results.
Results. The problems of the domestic dairy industry that need to be solved are outlined, in particular, the need to develop the raw material base; introduction of new technologies that will allow in the martial law not to reduce the level of production efficiency; correction of marketing policy; support of the export potential of the industry and its financial and credit support.
Recommendations for solving these problems and the development of the industry in today’s extremely difficult conditions are given.
Conclusions. It is established that the domestic dairy industry, even in conditions of war, is able to actively develop, ensuring food security of the state.
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