Nutritional value of innovative products from technical hemp seeds




technical hemp, nutritional value of hemp seeds, hemp products, economic efficiency of production


Background. A promising direction of ensuring the rational nutrition of the country’s population is the creation of functional goods from natural raw materials, safe for humans, which should be affordable, nutritious and useful. Such natural raw materials with great potential for the production of food products for a wide range of applications are technical hemp, namely their seeds.
Analysis of recent research and publications hasproven the biological and physiological value of food products from technical hemp seeds. It identified the need for a systematic analysis of the nutritional value and economic efficiency of technical hemp seed products in comparison with similar products from other crops.
The aim of the article is a comparative analysis of the nutritional value and economic efficiency of technical hemp seed products in relation to similar products from other crops.
Materials and methods. The general scientific analytical method, the method of systematization, generalization, comparative, induction and deduction, graphical and statistical analysis are used.
The empirical basis for comparing the nutritional value of industrial hemp seed products and similar products from other crops is the data of the caloric table.
The determination of economic efficiency of products from seeds of industrial crops was carried out on the basis of research of market prices for seeds of various crops on the Agrovektor platform and products on the platform.
Results. The study of the Ukrainian market allowed to identify eleven main products of processing technical hemp seeds: hemp oil, milk from hemp seeds, hemp protein, granola with hemp seeds, halva from hemp seeds, candies from hemp seeds, hemp flour, hemp bran, fiber (grist), hemp pasta and bread made from hemp flour.
Analysis of the efficiency of production of technical hemp seeds allows us to say that now there is a need for increased development of production of granola, halva, pasta and candy for sale in both domestic and foreign markets. For other products, the intensification of production requires thorough work on the formation of consumer commitment, and hence an increase in demand and market prices.
In addition, even the intensification of production from technical hemp seeds with the highest level of efficiency in comparison with other similar products requires overcoming the existing barriers of a regulatory nature.
Conclusion. The intensification of production of technical hemp seeds in Ukraine is expedient both from the standpoint of providing profits to processing enterprises and from the standpoint of providing consumers with products with unique nutritional value.
Due to the unique properties of hemp seeds and products from them, it is possible to produce products that are most fully focused on a wide range of consumers who do not tolerate gluten, involved in sports, follow a diet for weight loss, are vegans, and follow a healthy balanced diet.
In terms of economic efficiency, it is expedient to intensify the production of granola, halva, pasta and candies from technical hemp seeds.
The intensification of production of technical hemp seeds requires a revision of the quota procedure and licensing of technical hemp production, as this issue is the basis for the formation of raw materials for production.

Author Biographies

Olena DOMBROVSKA, Kherson National Technical University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
at the Department of Commodity Science, Standardization and Certification

Hanna TIKHOSOVA, Kherson National Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Commodity Science, Standardization and Certification

Vira KRAGLIK, Kherson National Technical University

Postgraduate student at the Department of Commodity Science,
Standardization and Certification


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How to Cite

DOMBROVSKA О., TIKHOSOVA Г. and KRAGLIK В. 2021. Nutritional value of innovative products from technical hemp seeds. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 40, 4 (Dec. 2021), 90–101. DOI:

