Regulation of the insurance services market in Ukraine



state regulation, insurance market, insurance legislation, information transparency, insurer's assets, protection of consumer rights of insurance services


Background. Insurance market, its development and indexes largely depend on a state supervision. The real operating of regulator and its influence on insurance companies and consumers of insurance services are actual.
The aim of the article is an analysis of practical aspects of the government control of the insurance market.
Material and methods. Complex analysis, abstracting, statistics using normative, legislative documents, official statistics and Internet resources.
Results. Work of supervisory authority and its basic tasks are considered in different periods (privatizing, temporal administrations). Opinions of different market participants regarding transmission of the insurance market regulator functions to the National bank are brought. Implementation Analysis of the Comprehensive Program for the Financial Sector Development to 2020 in the part of the insurance market tasks testifies the actions transparency, toughening up the requirements regarding the risk management system and insurers financial responsibility. The directions on which it is expedient to improve the state regulation of the insurance market, the reporting of insurers, the awareness of policyholders are determined. Projects of documents developed for introduction into insurance practice should be discussed with the involvement of participants in the insurance market.
Conclusion. Supervision of the insurance market has a certain history, which is inseparable from the market history itself. Today we need a clear vision of the future and permanent ongoing activities in conditions of openness, information completeness, innovations. The pace of the insurance market development, use of the insurers financial resources, the implementation of strategic level plans will allow to approximate domestic insurance to European standards.

Author Biographies

Tetiana ROTOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
at the Finance Department

Iryna MANKO, National committee on financial services of Ukraine

Head of the Prudential Monitoring Department


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How to Cite

ROTOVA Т., & MANKO І. (2018). Regulation of the insurance services market in Ukraine. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 25(1), 121–134. etrieved from

