Pet products: range and classification criteria




assortment, classification, pet goods


Background. The market of goods for pets in Ukraine is promising and is characterized by rapid growth. The pet goods assortment is very wide and includes different subgroups. However, there is no works on the classification of the assortment of pet goods, except for food for them.
The aim of the article is developing a classification of pet goods on base of the analysis of assortment.
Materials and methods. General scientific methods of cognition: analysis, comparison and generalization were used during the research. Information base of the research: the range of products for animals presented in online stores.
Results. According to the results of the analysis of the range of goods for animals in specialized and universal online stores, 9 types of goods for the transportation of pets have been identified. Goods for the transportation of pets can be classified according to the method of transportation and type of transport, type of goods, material from which it is made, size of the product, design features and other characteristics.
The main classification features of goods for the arrangement of places of pet residence were determined: the type of goods, the type of animals for which it is intended, the material from which the product is made, the size. Additional classification features include design, equipment, the possibility of transformation, the presence of additional functions.
The main classification features of goods for pet food were defined: purpose, type of animals, the material from which the product is made, type of product, size.
Toilets fillers for pets can be classified by type of animals, type (material) of filler, functions (principle of action) of filler, size of fractions, the presence of flavor.
The assortment of tools for dog and cat grooming includes different devices and accessories, which can be classified according to different characteristics depending on the type of product.
The goods related to ammunition for dogs and cats can be classified by type of product, breed and/or size of the animal, the material from which the products are made, size, and other characteristics depending on the features of the type of product.
Conclusion. The classification of goods for transportation, arrangement of accommodation and food, ammunition and toys for pets, which were developed in the work, indicates that their assortment is complex and can be classified on at least 5 signs.

Author Biographies

Olena SIMIACHKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs

Nina KALUGA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs



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How to Cite

SIMIACHKO О., & KALUGA Н. (2021). Pet products: range and classification criteria. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 40(4), 79–89.

