Audit services market in Ukraine
audit, auditing activities, audit services, assurance engagements, audit services marketAbstract
Background. Trends in the open economy, the processes of information globalization require the search for new effective tools of trust of the state, public oversight bodies, investors, the public and other professional and non-professional users of information to business. This tool is an independent external audit: it helps to identify deficiencies in the activities of the entity, to identify ways to correct them, as well as to develop preventive measures to avoid them.
Analysis of recent research and publications has shown that the state of audit activity in Ukraine does not fully meet today’s requirements, an important scientific and practical problem of the development of the audit services market and quality control of audit services in Ukraine remains unresolved.
The aim of the article is to analyze the market of audit services in Ukraine and assess potential ways of further development of auditing.
Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the publication is a set of studies of domestic and foreign scientists. General scientific and special methods of scientific cognition are used: comparative, systematic and statistical analysis to clarify the cause-and-effect relationship and assess the market of audit services in Ukraine.
Results. A study of the audit services market in Ukraine was conducted, the dynamics of the number of audit entities (SAА) and the dynamics of the volume of provision of a number of audit services were analyzed. The information on the composition and number of audit entities is summarized, as well as the volume of provided audit services in terms of regions of Ukraine is studied. The problems of audit activity development are outlined, the main ones of which are insufficient normative provision, imperfect system of digitalization of audit procedures, etc.
Conclusion. In recent years, the conditions and quality of the audit services market in Ukraine have changed radically, primarily due to the implantation of foreign experience in the national audit system, expanding the possibility of diversification of professional audit services, as well as the digitalization of auditing. This opens up new opportunities both for the auditors and audit firms themselves and for the customers of their services. In addition, various additional audit and related services have become widespread.
To increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian audit companies it is necessary to take into account global trends, foreign experience and modern technologies of customer service, which requires: improving the legal regulation of auditing in Ukraine; improving the methodology and organization of audits; development of the optimal method of determining the cost of audit services.
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