Cybersecurity and the information protection during the COVID-19 pandemic




cybersecurity, cyberattack, cyber risk, cybercrime, COVID-19 pandemic, fishing., COVID-reality, token


Background. The society has entered the era of innovation, where industrial robots, 3D-printing, cloud sources of information, unmanned vehicles in mass production, 4G and 5G communications, genomics, VR-technologies, smart cities are becoming the usual practice and form the new face of management. However, the COVID-19 pandemic is changing our everyday life: the population is experiencing concern and worry, making actual the need for help and support, a sense of safety and a desire for certainty.
The aim is to identify trends in the spread of cybercrime in the information security market during the COVID-19 pandemic and to substantiate the recommendations for cybersecurity by enterprises in the conditions of COVID-reality.
Materialand methods. In the research process we used a set of general scientific and special methods: analytical, historical, and logical generalizations; economic and sta­tis­tical methods (selective observation, comparative and technical and economic analysis, grouping based on the usage of MS Excel software products); marketing and sociological researches (surveys) as well as the expert assessments.
Results. Every day groups of experienced cybercriminals seize the control of some­one else’s cloud environment, servers, computers and mobile gadgets by launching the series of destructive programs against particular web-sites. Powerful attacks are organized by affecting the servers and clients’ computers, which in a matter of seconds shut down ATMs, the telephone lines, the whole companies, and even the Presidential websites around the world. In different countries, more and more attention is paid to the cybersecurity and the information resources management.
ConclusionAutomated control systems will make possible the use of technical devices instead of workforce in the life-threatening circumstances. In addition, it is very important to change the stereotype in society that a person and his personal data are not interesting to anyone, it is advisable to train professionals to use secure information transfer protocols, use secure information systems to work, and IT workers – to justify the need to apply new secure customer principles in information systems of enterprises.

Author Biographies

Yuliya BILIAVSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Management

Nelya MYKYTENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Management

Yaroslav SHESTAK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

director of IСC MCIT of KNUTE,
senior lecturer at the Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity


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How to Cite

BILIAVSKA Ю., MYKYTENKO Н. and SHESTAK Я. 2021. Cybersecurity and the information protection during the COVID-19 pandemic. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 37, 1 (Mar. 2021), 34–46. DOI:

