Ukraineon the world market of leather materials
leather materials, foreign trade activity, import, export, leather of various finishing methodsAbstract
Background. The problem of stable activity of domestic producers, in particular in the production of leather and footwear, is exacerbated by increasing global competition along with the loss of significant share of domestic and foreign markets. The regulating of the development of industrial production, domestic and foreign markets for light industry products is one of the most important tasks of the state today. Therefore, the assessment of the state of Ukraine’s foreign trade in the leather and leather materials market is important component for forecasting and shaping the development of domestic leather manufacturing.
The aim of the work is to analyze the dynamics of Ukraine’s foreign trade on the leather materials market and to establish key directions for the development of Ukraine’s leather industry to increase the competitiveness of domestic products in an international environment.
Materials and methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization are used for work. Statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, customs statistics of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, as well as data from the International Trade Center are used to study the leather market of various finishing methods in the world.
Results. The analysis of foreign trade activities of the leather materials market showed that leather, additionally processed after tanning, significantly exceeds exports in imports, while tanned leather without processing in exports is ten times higher than imports. The analysis of world trade indicators determined that leather with a natural full grain surface is characterized by the greatest competitiveness against polished leather with an artificial grain surface. According to the indicators of foreign trade activity, Ukraine ranks third among the countries – leaders in world imports of leather with a natural full grain surface configuration in the form of
halves. According to this commodity position, Ukraine ranks 13th in world exports.
Conclusion. The analysis of Ukraine’s foreign trade on the leather materials market revealed the need of forming commodity and technological specializations of the domestic leather industry in accordance with the production of leather with a natural full grain surface from cowhides as the most competitive product in the international environment.
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