Hemp fibre footwear market





textile footwear, hemp textiles, export-import, shoe manufacturers, production advantages and disadvantages.


The export-import of footwear with uppers made of textile materials and sports footwear was analyzed in monetary terms according to January-February 2024 indicators. It was noted that the most common types of textile footwear are sports: trainers and sneakers, therefore this market segment was analyzed. It was determined that imports exceed exports by 95 percent both in the segment of sports shoes and shoes with textile uppers. The largest importer in these two segments is China. Ukraine exports its sports shoes mostly to the Republic of Moldova, and shoes with textile uppers to Slovakia. The tasks set in the work were solved using the analysis of scientific, analytical and survey information resources and the processing of available statistical data. The hypothesis of this study is the possibility of replacing cotton fibers with hemp fibers in textile shoe fabrics. For this purpose, the dependence of textile production enterprises on imported cotton was determined and it was proposed to replace it with a more ecological material made of industrial hemp. Shoes made of this material are in demand in many developed countries of the world. Hemp fabric is characterized by high quality indicators, it is antibacterial, anti-allergenic, retains heat well, normalizes sweating in the human body, and at the same time remains strong and wear-resistant. The activities of global and domestic brands, the production of which is related to the production of shoes from technical hemp, have been analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages of domestic production are determined. The factors of further development of the hemp textile footwear industry have been identified.

Author Biography

Нalina BOІKO, Kherson National Technical University

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science, Standardization and Certification 


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How to Cite

BOІKO Г. 2024. Hemp fibre footwear market. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 51, 3 (Sep. 2024), 92–103. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31617/2.2024(51)06.