Development of digital trading platforms in B2C and C2C markets




platform economy, digital trading platforms, digital platform business models, cross-platform analysis of consumer behavior, user experience.


Online trade in Ukraine is experiencing a period of rapid growth and important transformations, and in the future this sector may become one of the key drivers of econo­mic growth and post-war recovery. This causes changes in the formation of electronic infrast­ructure and the organization of trade on the B2C and C2C markets. The directions of move­ment of the digital economy with a focus on platformization require a study of the chronology of the formation and development of digital trading platforms (DTPs) and the determi­nation of their features. The purpose of the article is to determine the features, advantages and disadvantages of digital trading platforms in the B2C and C2C markets, taking into account the relevance of use and consumer sensitivity to their functionality, as well as the determi­nation of the directions for the development of DTP in the context of improving the multi-device user experience. In the research process, the following methods were applied: dialec­tical (to study the evolution of the development of digital trading platforms), system-structural analysis (to systematize scientific approaches to the classification of DTPs), comparison and Internet monitoring (to determine the differences between DTPs taking into account the rele­vance of use and user experience), logical gene­ralization (for formulating the conclusions of the conducted research). It was determined that the platform economy is developing rapidly, its turnover is growing and the number of platform companies is increasing significantly. The evolution of digital trading platforms has been studied, their features, advantages and disadvantages have been determined and the most relevant ones for B2C and C2C consumers have been substantiated. It is noted that digital trading platforms must provide an excellent user experience and a high level of service across all channels and at all stages of the digital customer interaction lifecycle. Digital trading platforms simplify communication relation­ships, make them a factor of production, provide new ways of creating value and enable revenue generation. In order to increase the monetiza­tion of digital trading platforms, it is necessary to carry out a systematic cross-platform analysis of consumer behavior, thanks to which their preferences and requests are studied, digital profiles of users are compiled, the lifetime value of the client for the digital trading platforms is estimated and forecasted, and an appropriate system of personalized offers is formed. And improving the multi-device user experience strengthens the competitiveness of platform business models as ecosystems in the digital environment, creating conditions for their further development.

Author Biographies

Olena ZAITSEVA, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Professor, Professor at the Department of Marketing

Viktoriya SHUKLINA, Kherson National Technical University

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Management, Marketing and Tourism

Viktoriia KARMAZINOVA, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Marketing Department


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How to Cite

ZAITSEVA О., SHUKLINA В. and KARMAZINOVA В. 2024. Development of digital trading platforms in B2C and C2C markets. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 51, 3 (Sep. 2024), 24–39. DOI: