Systemic drivers of Ukraineʼs trade in the realities of martial law




trade, trade network, development drivers, consistency, self-financing, business recovery, socio-economic function, development strategy, business process engineering, economic mechanism.


The trade industry, which even in peacetime occupied a large share in the national econo­mic complex of Ukraine both in terms of the number of enterprises and the number of employed persons, continues to play a signifi­cant social role during the period of large-scale aggression, providing the population of the country with essential goods. The purpose of the article is to systematize modern appro­aches and fundamental principles of studying the factors of the external and internal envi­ronment of functioning, including the main drivers of trade business development, and to identify them based on its place in the national economic complex of Ukraine and functional features of formation and manifestation during the period of large-scale aggression by the Russian Federation. Proving their integral connec­tion in a single system model based on the justification of mechanisms for assessing the intensity and synergy of penetration of tools for motivating and stimulating development processes in accordance with modern achieve­ments of business engineering, criteria and standards for organizing business in trade in the continental or global market environment. To achieve the goal, general scientific research methods such as formalization, historical, abst­rac­tion, general logical (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction), generalization and ascent from the abstract to the concrete, specific socio-economic methods based on a dialectical approach to cognition of the essence of the development process, respectively, of the object and subject were used. The article systema­tizes the published assessment materials of national and foreign analysts, experts, and scientists on the problems and challenges faced by the trade industry during the period of the Russian Federationʼs large-scale aggression in Ukraine, and the fundamental principles of assessing the factors of economic development of business entities in crisis conditions based on market principles of managing financial and economic mechanisms of doing business. The article hypothesizes that the interaction of factors of the internal and external business environment is systemic, and with a positive trajectory of development of processes and identified parameters, this influence is defined in modern research works as a driver of the development movement of the system-object. The organic connection of the studied factors in the business contour of Ukrainian retail ope­rators in various formats and perfor­mance, inclu­ding the accumulated survival potential, maneu­verability, innovation, as well as favorable macro­economic policy of the state and interna­tional support institutions, create a synergistic effect and optimize the assessment of future prospects.

Author Biographies

Nataliia GULIAIEVA, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Professor, Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Finance

Iryna VAVDIICHYK, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Finance

Victoria MELNIK, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Finance


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How to Cite

GULIAIEVA Н., VAVDIICHYK І. and MELNIK В. 2024. Systemic drivers of Ukraineʼs trade in the realities of martial law. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 51, 3 (Sep. 2024), 4–23. DOI: