Kraft dry-cured sausages with the addition of dry red wine




technology, dry-cured sausage, starter cultures, red dry wine, organoleptic indicators, nitrites, microflora, texture.


Fermentation is a traditional process widely used in ancient times to protect food from spoilage. This process was developed primarily to stabilize perishable agricultural products, but it has gone beyond the preservation of food products and has become a tool for giving them the desired organoleptic and physicochemical properties. In developing countries, fermented foods remain an important part of the diet. A modern approach to food quality requires increasing the nutritional value of food products, controlling spoilage, as well as converting low-value products into nutritious ones through fermentation processes. Therefore, the current demand for innovative and healthy food products is an incentive for the development of new fermented meat products. The use of some original ingredients, in our case wine, in traditional recipes of fermented sausages, arouses interest and desire to eat healthy food without the use of artificial colors and flavor enhancers. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to determine the technological impact of red dry wine "Saperavi" in combination with starter cultures on the quality of dry-cured sausages. Experimental studies were carried out in the production conditions of PE "Zerno". Determi­nation of organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators was carried out in samples of sausages made according to the traditional recipe and with the addition of 3 and 6% wine to the mass of the main raw material. It was proved that the wine content in the samples affected the reduction of water activity (aw) and residual nitrite values. It was found that adding 30 ml of wine to the minced meat made it possible to create a product that has good taste properties and, at the same time, does not have the risk of rancidity, which is of particular importance for production. Therefore, the obtained results reveal the technological possibilities of using the red dry wine "Saperavi» of TM Aznauri in the production of dry-cured sausages with improved sensory properties and quality indicators.

Author Biography

Liliia KRYZHAK, Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of DTEU

PhD (Technical), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Tourism and Hotel-Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

KRYZHAK Л. 2024. Kraft dry-cured sausages with the addition of dry red wine. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 50, 2 (Jun. 2024), 110–120. DOI:

