HACCP system in the production of semi-finished products





HACCP, critical points, risk control, semi-finished products, Ukrainian legislation, microbial contamination, food safety.


Nutrition is an essential and integral biolo­gical need of living beings. However, at the same time, it is a source of additional danger for humans due to the risk of various types of toxic infections that can spread with food. Considering this, raw products as well as products that require minimal heat treatment before reaching the consumer's table are characterized by significant danger. These include semi-finished products, the popularity of which is ensured by ease of use, nourishment, and availability and does not depend on the season. One of the most important indicators of safety in the production of semi-finished products (as products, which are subject to minimal heat treatment) is microbiological contamination of the product, which can cause food poisoning. The aim of the work is to analyse the features of the implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system and the domestic legislative framework and their impact on the quality and safety of food products, in particular semi-finished products. The Ukrainian legislative framework and interna­tional experience in the implementation of the HACCP system in the production of food products were analysed. The HACCP system has both advantages and disadvantages but the results of the analysis of the testimony of domestic and foreign specialists indicates that the advantages of implementing a risk control system outweigh the disadvantages, allowing to increase trust in the brand and product among both consumers and partners, improving the profitability of the enterprise. The implementation of the HACCP system is a mandatory condition for market operators involved in the production, processing, transportation, and sale of the food products. Based on the analysis of the regulatory and legislative framework, the main requirements of the HACCP system for enterprises specializing in the production of semi-finished products are outlined. Separately, in more detail, production measures aimed at preventing microbial contami­nation during their production and, therefore, contributing to obtaining safe food products are described. The presented analysis can be used during the implementation of the HACCP systems at the organizations, which produce semi-finished products, and the improvement of the legislative framework of Ukraine regarding the production of safe food products.

Author Biography

Тetiana BRYKOVA, Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of SUTE

PhD (Technical), Associate Рrofessor, Associate Рrofessor at the Department of Food Technology, Hotel, Restaurant and Tourist Services


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How to Cite

BRYKOVA Т. 2024. HACCP system in the production of semi-finished products. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 50, 2 (Jun. 2024), 93–109. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31617/2.2024(50)07.

