Technology of craft rye-wheat bread with germinated flax seeds




germinated flax seeds, rye-wheat bread, craft bread, bread with healthy properties


Introduction. Craft production is considered a gastronomic innovation, which quite confi­dently takes its leading place in the hospitality and restaurant sector. Bakery products made from local superfoods and using additives that are not technological for industrial scale can also be classified as craft.

Problem. Providing the population with high-quality bakery products of increased nutri­tional and biological value is possible due to the use of local raw materials with a rich nutrient composition. Flaxseed is such a raw material, and the study of its interaction with the dough system and improving the quality of bread is a relevant problem.

The aim of the study is to establish the ratio content of germinated flax seeds (GFS) in the recipe of rye-wheat bread and its effect on the nutritional value of the finished product.

Methods. In the recipe of rye-wheat bread according to the traditional technology, germi­nated flax seeds of the Vruchy variety were used in the amount of 15, 20, 25 %. The amino acid composition of the finished product was deter­mined by ion exchange chromatography, and the fatty acid composition was determined by liquid chromatography.

Results. On the basis of the conducted tests of the dough, when adding 25 % of GFS to the formulation, an increase in titrated acidity, CO2 content, and specific volume was established in comparison with the control sample without GFS. This result indicates the intensification of the fermentation process and a higher yield of the finished product.

The analysis of nutritional value indicators showed that the protein content of rye-wheat bread with 25 % GFS increased by 2.8 %, fat – by 6.5 % compared to the control, and the carbo­hydrate content decreased by 7.8 %.

Conclusions. The use of GFS in bakery pro­ducts gives them a pleasant nutty taste and an authentic craft appearance, and also significantly improves the nutritional value.

Rye-wheat bread with 25 % GFS has a more balanced amino acid composition of proteins, a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular linoleic and linolenic, which enables its effectiveness in preventive and therapeutic diets.

Author Biographies

Svitlana KRAIEVSKA, State University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student at the Department of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business

Volodymyr PIDDUBNYI, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

KRAIEVSKA С. ., & PIDDUBNYI В. . (2023). Technology of craft rye-wheat bread with germinated flax seeds. "INTERNATIONAL·SCIENTIFIC-·PRACTICAL·JOURNAL·COMMODITIES·AND·MARKETS", 45(1), 100–112.

