The bakery industry of Ukraine in wartime conditions
bakery industry, consumer needs, SWOT analysis, martial lawAbstract
Introduction. The bakery industry in Ukraine is one of the country’s strategic directions. Bread and bakery products are needed by people of all ages – children, adults, and the elderly. The enemy’s full-scale military aggression on the territory of Ukraine has caused negative processes that affect the general trends of the work of enterprises in the bakery industry, in particular in the production and sale of products.
Problem. The study of market trends, determination of the context of the bakery industry, as well as the study of consumer needs is of great interest today and will allow choosing a development strategy in difficult conditions.
The aim of the article is to determine the development trends of the bakery industry of Ukraine for 2017–2022, taking into account consumer preferences in the conditions of martial law.
Methods. Scientific publications and statistical information were processed. The method of a questionnaire survey of consumers and the methodology of SWOT analysis of the enterprise were used.
Results. Statistical data on the volume of industrial production and consumption of bakery products are presented. The assortment structure of bakery products is considered. On the basis of a questionnaire survey, the understanding of consumers’ needs when choosing such products is researched and analysed. The context of the bakery industry is formed on the basis of SWOT analysis and prospects for further development of the industry are outlined.
Conclusions. The only correct strategy for the existence and development of bakery enterprises under martial law is to preserve the situation, since not only the food security, but also the national security of the country largely depends on the efficiency of bakery enterprises.
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