Present-day solutions with regard to packaging of food product


  • M. UCHEREK Krakow University of Economics


The directions of development of the global packaging market depend on the degree in which the needs of that market are met by individual segments of the packaging industry. Those needs are formed by the growing role of the consumer in the determination of the quality of packaging, requirements of the protection of the natural environment and the development of new systems of sale and promotion of goods. The assortment of the existing packing materials is constantly widening, the possibility to develop new ones with certain properties, combined with the growing requirements of the consumers, the competition which gets stronger every day, and the aspect of the protection of the natural environment ensure a permanent development of the packaging, first of all in respect of food products. Рresents some examples of modern solutions regarding to packaging of food product like as active and intelligent packaging, "bag in box" packaging as well as biodegradable packaging material.

Author Biography

M. UCHEREK, Krakow University of Economics



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How to Cite

UCHEREK, M. (2009). Present-day solutions with regard to packaging of food product. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 6(2), 140–147. etrieved from

