Biologically active substances of unfortified fruit and berries wine materials


  • A. TOKAR Uman’ National University of Gardening
  • V. MAZUR Uman’ National University of Gardening


The article presents the research results on the contents of phenol compounds, colourings, ascorbic acid, B1 vitamin and carotene in the unfortified wine materials of apples, pears, cherries, black currant, raspberries, gooseberries, jostaberry, mulberry, black elder of the 2003–2006 harvest. The influence of different factors on the biological value of fruit and berry wine materials is analyzed.

Author Biographies

A. TOKAR, Uman’ National University of Gardening

candidate of agriculture science, associate professor

V. MAZUR, Uman’ National University of Gardening



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How to Cite

TOKAR А. and MAZUR В. 2009. Biologically active substances of unfortified fruit and berries wine materials. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 6, 2 (Jan. 2009), 95–100.

