The application of the substances with antimicrobe properties for prolongation of storage periods of black currant


  • N. OSOKINA Uman’ National University of Gardening
  • O. GERASIMCHUK Uman’ National University of Gardening


The positive influence of postharvest treatment of black currant with the solutions of lemon acid (0.4%) and sorbic acid (0.5%), benzonatrium (0.7 %) and ethyl spirit (95.5 %) on keeping quality is substantiated. The advantages of treatment with lemon acid are in the double increasing of the duration of storage of fruits and in the ensuring of their quality and safety.

Author Biographies

N. OSOKINA, Uman’ National University of Gardening

candidate of agricultural science, professor

O. GERASIMCHUK, Uman’ National University of Gardening



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How to Cite

OSOKINA Н. and GERASIMCHUK О. 2008. The application of the substances with antimicrobe properties for prolongation of storage periods of black currant. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 5, 1 (Jun. 2008), 162–168.

