Rating evaluation of the regional levelof the exhibition activity developmentin Ukraine



Contemporary state and trends of development of the exhibition industry in Ukraine are examined in the article. The methodology for rating evaluation on the basis of the comparison of indicators system of the level of exhibition development of the region with the indicators of hypothetically reference regions is offered.Based on the approbation results, the regions of Ukraine have been rated according to the level of the exhibition activity development.

Author Biographies

T. TKACHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of economics sciences, professor

T. DUPLIAK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

assistance lecturer


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How to Cite

TKACHENKO Т., & DUPLIAK Т. (2022). Rating evaluation of the regional levelof the exhibition activity developmentin Ukraine. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 8(2), 30–37. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/1658