The problems of information support of consumers of leather clothes


  • A. BRAILKO Poltava University of Consumer Cooperation of Ukraine
  • N. OMELCHENCO Poltava University of Consumer Cooperation of Ukraine


The article provides the results of analytical research of components of information support of leather clothes. It offers the recommendations on labeling and accompanying information about leather clothes care. There is substantiated the expediency for normative symbol approval for leather clothes care as well as for development of recommendations for leather clothes care and use both for consumers and for professionals dealing with renewal and dry-cleaning.

Author Biographies

A. BRAILKO, Poltava University of Consumer Cooperation of Ukraine


N. OMELCHENCO, Poltava University of Consumer Cooperation of Ukraine

candidate of technical sciences, professor


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How to Cite

BRAILKO А. and OMELCHENCO Н. 2009. The problems of information support of consumers of leather clothes. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 7, 1 (Jun. 2009), 7–12.