Gluten-free bakery products based on flax flour with psyllium




gluten, celiac disease, flax flour, psyllium, turmeric


Introduction. The health and life expectancy of a person depends on the normal functioning of all his internal organs, which is caused, in par­ticular, by high-quality nutrition.

Celiac disease (or gluten enteropathy) is a disease accompanied by gluten intolerance – the protein of cereal crops. The prevalence of celiac disease in European countries is about 0.6 % in morphologically confirmed cases and 1 % in sero­logical screening of the population as a whole. The first recommendations are the same – a strict gluten-free diet.

Problem. In recent years a special demand is for gluten-free bread and bakery products, which are made mainly with the use of rice, corn and buckwheat flour, which have a high glycemic index. Therefore, the interesting alternative to these types of flour will be flax, due to its convenience, neutral taste and low glycemic index.

The aim of scientific research is to sub­stantiate and develop the technology of gluten-free bakery products using flax flour, psyllium and turmeric.

Methods. The organoleptic evaluation of the samples was carried out on a 5-point scale, the nutritional and biological value is calculated according to the tables of chemical composition.

Results. The development of the technology for production of gluten-free bun Lionok with the use of flax flour, psyllium and turmeric has led to improving the organoleptic properties and increasing the nutritional and biological value of the product, namely an increase in the content of dietary fiber by 87 %, as well as minerals and vitamins.

Conclusions. The technology of gluten-free buns Lionok with the use of flax flour, psyllium and turmeric has been developed, which impro­ves organoleptic and physico-chemical indica­tors of the new products.

Flax flour-based bakery products are recom­mended for consumption by the patients who have a celiac disease or gluten allergy, as well as all healthy people who want to reduce gluten consumption.

Author Biographies

Anzhelika MEDVEDIEVA, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Technologies and Organization of Restaurant Business

Iryna ANTONIUK, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Technologies and Organization of Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

MEDVEDIEVA А. ., & ANTONIUK І. . (2022). Gluten-free bakery products based on flax flour with psyllium. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 44(4), 113–122.

