Functional properties of pillows for sleeping




pillows, comfort, properties of pillows, softness-firmness of pillows, filler, coefficient of surface density of the filler


Introduction. The properties of pillows are determined by their functional, i.e., consumer properties, that determine their intended use as a consumer item. Since the purpose of bedding, in particular pillows, is to ensure a comfortable sleep for a person, functional properties are the most important.

Problem. The formation of an assortment of pillows indicates the need to study their func­tional properties, in particular, the perfection of the main function, i. e. the softness-hardness criterion.

The aim of the article is to study the func­tional properties of sleeping pillows, in parti­cular, the calculation of the softness-hardness criterion.

Methods. The degree of softness-hardness of the pillows is evaluated according to stan­dardized indicators: the strength and mass of the fillers, as well as the height of the pillows under load and without load. The research was con­ducted at the production enterprise of "Herd Billerbeck GmbH" LLC (Ukraine).

Results. The calculation of the pillow soft­ness-hardness criterion is carried out according to the coefficient of surface density of feather-down, wool and synthetic fillers. The division is made into categories: soft; medium hardness; hard.

According to the experimental studies of the height of the pillow with different types of filler without load and after loading, it was determined that the strength of the filler directly affects the change in the shape of the pillow during operation. 

Conclusions. It was experimentally estab­lished that the value of the criterion of softness- hardness of the pillow directly depends on the height of the product without and after loading, since the pillow can shrink significantly during sleep, or, on the contrary, maintain its height.

It is recommended that regulatory, trade, advertising documentation and information materials additionally indicate the category of softness-hardness of pillows depending on the coefficient of surface density of the filler, with the following division: soft, medium hardness and hard. It is advisable to divide pillows according to this criterion in order to develop the existing regulatory documentation for this type of products, which will facilitate the choice of this product by the consumer.

Author Biographies

Halyna MYKHAILOVA, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs

Andrii SLIZKOV, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs

Valentyna OSIIEVSKA, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs


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How to Cite

MYKHAILOVA Г. ., SLIZKOV А. ., & OSIIEVSKA В. . (2022). Functional properties of pillows for sleeping. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 44(4), 90–100.

