Control of remaining hormone drugs in food products


  • О. LYKHOLAT Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine
  • О. VYSHNIKINA Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine


The article considers the problems of possible contamination of animal products, in particular meat, with hormone drugs. The modern methods which are offered to determine their remaining quality, in particular the method of immuno-fermented analysis, are analyzed.

Author Biographies

О. LYKHOLAT, Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine

doctor of biological sciences, professor

О. VYSHNIKINA, Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine

candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

LYKHOLAT О., & VYSHNIKINA О. (2011). Control of remaining hormone drugs in food products. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 11(1), 183–191. etrieved from

