Paper identification expertise during the customs clearance
paper, cellulose, identification expertise, criteria for identification, customs clearanceAbstract
The article explores the importance of paper identification in customs clearance. It contains means for specification and criteria for identifying on example of paper for writing and printing.
Identification is carried out during the expert examination, certification and quality control of goods in trade and customs control of goods imported to Ukraine.
The criteria for identification are divided into two types: general and specific, depending on the features of particular paper and the choice of which is determined by identification purpose. The article shows the examples of criteria for identification depending on the commodity code according to UGC FEA. Common criteria include those, which often determine paper compliance: weight of m², composition according to fiber, linear dimensions, presence of surface coating, and research on layering.
There are also specific criteria that are used only for identification of certain types of paper. For example, for paper for sanitary purposes there is an expert examination on presence of perforation, stamping and degree of embossing, for parchment and tracing paper there is a test on water resistance, for newsprint there is an examination of surface roughness on each side.
The means of identification include regulations that govern the quality indicators that can be used with identification purpose, supporting documents, marking, etc. The methods of identification include such kinds: analytical (according to documentation), expert, express method, organoleptic, measuring (physicochemical). Well-known standard methods are the following: determining the weight of 1 m² (ISO 536), ash content (ISO 2144), punching resistance (ISO 2758), thickness (ISO 534), composition according to fiber (ISO 9184/1-3) and more. Thus, to avoid differences in physical properties of paper through the use of different determining methods it is needed to use the same test methods. For example, there are various methods for testing surface on absorption – dropping, weighting and Cobb method; determining the degree of sizing – stroke method and the method of dry indicator; smoothness – according to Kizer and glarimeter and others. It is necessary to bring the test methods used in Ukraine into accordance with the requirements of the International Standardization Organization (ISO).
There was developed the procedure of paper identifying examination on execution of foreign economic activity. The method of identification paper has been tested in the Central administration of customs laboratoryand examining. Usage of this developed method of paper identification will help experts in the course of examination of the paper or products made of it in evaluation of goods for terms reduction and procedure simplification of customs clearance of goods.
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