Prospects for development of the special purpose textiles' market in Ukraine
the special purpose textiles' market, overall, basalt fiberAbstract
The main consumers of the special purpose linens are hotels, catering enterprises, and companies specializing in the production of clothing for chemical, oil, gas, metallurgical industries, fire-fighters and army units, rescue services, etc.
The greatest demand for the special purpose linens is traditionally discovered in the industrial regions of Ukraine – Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Luhansk, Kharkiv and Kyiv.
Share of overalls of Ukrainian produsers is 10–15 %. Most of the clothing is produced from special fabrics, made in Russia, Belarus, Poland, Holland, Korea, Hong Kong, Central Asia and others.
The main leaders of the Ukrainian market are domestic clothing enterprises: TD "Grand Service", private joint-stock companies “Spetsodiah”, "Promspetsodiah", "Tornado", "Textilni technologies" and LLC "PromSIZ", "Ukrspetskomplekt", "Tango", whose total share is 40 %, the rest are small studio and intermediaries. There is a small number of great clothing importers: Ansell Edmont, Bel Protection, Ltd. "Skhid-Service" and others.
Thermo stable fabric needed to work in high temperatures is in particular demand.
Increase in demand for the special purpose linens can be expected at the second half of 2012 and at the beginning of 2013. Monitoring of these products market indicates limited home range, which can be optimized by using basalt – available and inexpensive raw material that would provide the necessary properties set.
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