Formation of consumer value of tourism product



tourism product, tourist enterprises, consumer value of tourist product, tourist, consumer characteristics of tourist product, process of generating consumer value of tourist product


An important factor of diverse tendecies of contemporaneity is social and economical phenomena that stress market ambiguity in operation of business, cause customer demand fluctuations, detect new economic risks, and contract the time horizon of planning. The aspects outlined bring innovative administrative approaches for preventive levelling of possible dysfunctions of administrative process up to date and determine the necessity of the integrated study of theoretic and methodological questions of constructive formation of long-lasting relation between tourist enterprises and tourist products consumers.
The objective of the presented article is the investigation of the formation process of consumer value of tourist product which is the integral characteristic containing the totality of its qualitative and quantitative consumer properties and it is considered from a position of a consumer and a producer. It is proved that the formation of consumer value of a tourism product is a cyclic process that is directed to the maximal satisfaction of consumer needs for the purpose of intangible assets creation, i.e. segment of loyal and regular customers for tourist business and development of supporting actions which enable increasing predictability of consumer behavior.
The expediency of analysis of the European Customer Satisfaction Index application as an applied basis of the formation of consumer value of tourist products is grounded. The step-by-step investigation procedure of the formation process of consumer value is suggested. The method approbation enabled detecting components prevailing and determining index rate that stipulate consumer value of tourism products.
It is established that the use of the method of investigation of the formation process of consumer value of tourist products suggested will give tourist businesses possibility to solve expert and pragmatic problems in the process of the implementation of economical activity.

Author Biographies

Tetiana TKACHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of economics sciences, professor

Margaryta BOYKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of economics sciences, professor


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How to Cite

TKACHENKO Т. and BOYKO М. 2012. Formation of consumer value of tourism product. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 14, 2 (Dec. 2012), 5–16.