Ingredients of tobacco products: informing consumers




tobacco products, ingredients, anti-tobacco legislation, registries, consumer information


Introduction. The use of certain ingredients in the tobacco manufacturing process is cont­rary to the objectives of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The regulation of ingredient composition and emissions of tobacco products and the disclosure of this information is an important tool for protecting public health.

Problem. Ukraine currently lacks a clear procedure for disclosure of tobacco product ingre­dients used in the tobacco manufacturing pro­cess. Therefore, it is important to study foreign experience in order to improve the procedure for disclosure of tobacco product ingredients in Ukraine.

The aim of this work the identification of problems and peculiarities of disclosure of infor­mation on ingredients in tobacco products in Ukraine in accordance with the implementation of certain provisions of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

Methods. Information gathering, analytical processing and theoretical synthesis; statistical and graphical methods.

Results. It is shown that the legislative re­quirements regarding the disclosure of infor­mation on the composition of tobacco products in Ukraine are not actually fulfilled, since to date the procedure for the disclosure of relevant data has not been defined. The foreign expe­rience of forming registers of ingredients of to­bacco products and their disclosure, which can become the basis for the development of an appropriate mechanism in Ukraine, is analyzed.

Conclusions. So far, consumers in Ukraine do not actually have access to complete infor­mation about the ingredients of tobacco pro­ducts (except for the data on the tar and nicotine content indicated on the label), as the Ukrainian legislation did not define the procedure for its disclosure. Therefore, one of the primary mea­sures to improve the effectiveness of activities for the implementation of Articles 9, 10, 12 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is the creation and implementation of a registry of ingredients in tobacco products.

Author Biographies

Tetiana CHORNA, State Tax University

PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Customs and Commodity Science

Iryna SAHAIDAK, State Tax University

PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Customs and Commodity Science


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How to Cite

CHORNA Т. and SAHAIDAK І. 2022. Ingredients of tobacco products: informing consumers. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 43, 3 (Sep. 2022), 117–134. DOI: