Nutritional and biological value of chopped meat products with mushroom and pumpkin seed filling




semi-finished product based on mushrooms and pumpkin seeds, minced meat products, nutritional and biological value, digestibility, microbiological indicators


Introduction. At the current stage, new app­roaches in the creation of food products are based on the use of non-traditional raw materials, food and dietary supplements, and on the under­standing of the need to stabilize the functional properties of food products.

Problem. One of the priority areas of nut­rition science is the fortification of food products according to the principles of the Codex Alimen­tarius Commission. An important problem of fortification is the creation of technologies of com­bined products using raw materials of plant and animal origin.

The aim of the article is to establish the influence of a semi-finished product based on mushrooms and pumpkin seeds on indicators of nutritional, biolo­gical value and safety of minced meat products.

Methods. Indicators of organic, biological value and microbiological safety are determined according to generally accepted methods and current standards.

Results. The technology of a semi-finished product based on mushrooms and pumpkin seeds (NPNG) has been developed. By modeling the amino and fatty acid composition, it was esta­b­lished that the optimal content of semi-finished products in chopped meat products is 21 %.

The chemical composition of chopped meat products from NPNG was studied. An increase in the content of protein and complex carbo­hydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids was estab­lished. The amino acid score of the experimental samples is higher than that of the control samp­les. The digestibility of products from NPNG increases by 30.5 %.

The rate of accumulation of wet fatty acids and peroxide compounds in the process of sto­rage in experimental samples decreases. The microbiological indicators of the products do not exceed the permissible levels, they correspond to the State sanitary regulations.

Conclusions. The advantages of developed products using NPNG compared to traditional samples have been proven: increased protein content, improved digestibility, reduced total fat content with a significant increase in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In products with the addition of NPNG, the rate of oxidation pro­cesses decreases, which is confirmed by the values of acid and peroxide numbers. According to the determined microbiological indicators, products with the addition of semi-finished products comply with safety standards.

Author Biographies

Viktoriia HNITSEVYCH, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of technologies and organization of restaurant business

Nataliia CHEKHOVA, Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade

PhD (Technical Sciences), sen. lecturer at the Department of technologies in restaurant business, hotel and restaurant business and entrepreneurship


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How to Cite

HNITSEVYCH В. and CHEKHOVA Н. 2022. Nutritional and biological value of chopped meat products with mushroom and pumpkin seed filling. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 43, 3 (Sep. 2022), 87–98. DOI:

