Cyber security and cyber hygiene: the new era of digital technologies




digitalization, digital technology, cyber business management, cybersecurity, cyberattack, cyber risk, cyber hygiene, pandemic COVID-19


Introduction. Digital technologies are a key factor in the development of enterprises, so cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly impor­tant area of research.

Problem. Development of Society 5.0. and the move to 5G networks brings new challenges to the proper operation of software, where there are many cyber threats. It is especially impor­tant for Ukrainians to comply with the require­ments of cyber hygiene during the war.

The aim of the article is to analyse the chan­ges in the digital technology market in the con­text of cybersecurity and substantiate the re­com­mendations for cyber hygiene in business management.

Methods. A set of general scientific, special and specific methods of historical, logical and analytical generalizations has been applied; eco­nomic and statistical (comparative analysis, obser­vation, as well as grouping based on the use of MS Excel software products); dialectical, abstract-logical and systematic analysis.

Results. Cybersecurity can not only respond to incidents, but also prevent attacks before they occur. In order to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, cybersecurity managers focus on technology, as well as on close cooperation with business teams. The result of this interaction is the readiness of cybersecurity to fight criminals on an equal footing, repelling attacks with unprecedented effectiveness.

Conclusions. The experience of long-term work in the remote mode has made long-term changes in the corporate cybersecurity policy of the enterprise. To reduce the likelihood and mi­nimize the consequences of cybersecurity viola­tion, businesses need to find ways to simplify measures for it. This ensures that cybersecurity is a stimulus for business development, not an obstacle to existing and future plans.

Author Biographies

Yuliia BILIAVSKA, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Management

Yaroslav SHESTAK, State University of Trade and Economics

Director of the Information and Computing Center of the Main Center of Information Technologies, sen. lecturer at the Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity


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How to Cite

BILIAVSKA Ю. ., & SHESTAK Я. . (2022). Cyber security and cyber hygiene: the new era of digital technologies. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 43(3), 47–59.