International freight transportation on the territory of Ukraine in wartime conditions




freight transportation, railway transport, martial law, export


Introduction. The level of development and competitiveness of the economy of any country directly depends on the operation of the transport complex, which is based on the infrastructure of railway, road, water, aviation and pipeline transport.

Problem. The unstable situation in the trans­port industry and the strategic importance of the continuous operation of transport in the condi­tions of war prompts a comprehensive assess­ment and comparison of the state of transport in the pre-war period with the present, which will provide an opportunity to develop real ways of developing freight transport and fully utilize the potential of transport enterprises, in particular railway ones.

The aim of the article is to assess the state of freight transportation in order to outline the main directions and development prospects for those types of transport that currently have the greatest potential and are able to ensure the export of Ukrainian cargo around the world.

Methods. When writing the article, the method of elementary theoretical analysis and synthesis, graphic method, deduction method, economic-statistical methods and grouping were used.

Results. The results of the work of transport companies in cargo transportation, including international ones, have significantly worsened in recent years due to the rapid spread of COVID-19. The war aggravated the situation even more, because in the conditions of martial law transporters are forced to work, trying to solve urgent issues in a short period of time. This significantly affected the volume of cargo trans­portation by domestic transport companies, including in international traffic. In connection with the blockade of sea ports, one of the main tasks facing Ukraine is to solve the logistical problem of exporting agricultural products by rail. The development of new logistics chains is important.

Conclusions. Despite the state of war and the need for reorientation and development of new logistics chains, the development of cargo export by rail through the territory of Ukraine remains a promising direction.

Author Biography

Tetiana LUCHNYKOVA, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor at the Department of Trading Business and logistics


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How to Cite

LUCHNYKOVA Т. . (2022). International freight transportation on the territory of Ukraine in wartime conditions. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 43(3), 37–46.

