Harmlessness of vegetable and fruit canned food


  • Natalia ОRLOVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Svitlana KAZACHENKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Igor KUZ'MENKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Background. Harmlessness of vegetable and fruit canned food includes microbial harmless, content of toxic elements, radionuclides, nitrates. Shelf life of canned is determined by their sterility. The essence of the authors’ improved method process of receiving the new canned with squash and plum, with pumpkins and quince, is in replacement of the acetic acid with natural organic acids constituents in the marinade, and that the improved method involves the alleviated heat treatment.
Material and methods. The objects of study served as vegetables and fruits of these botanical varieties: zucchini (Gribovsky-37), cherry plums (Huck), pumpkin (Muscat), quince (Crimean), cranberry (Wetland), viburnum (Velykoplidna); new canned food from zucchini and cherry plum and canned pumpkin and quince with cranberry with viburnum juice.
Safety indicators were studied in the original raw fresh and canned after 9 months of storage according to the terms: the total number of MAFAnM, mold fungi, yeast, content of toxic elements (Plumbum, Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury, Copper, Zinc), radionuclides (137Cz, 90Sr ) nitrates.
Results. Number of MAFAnM in canned after 9 months of storage (<15 CFU in 1 g) confirms the adequacy of heat treatment with the active acidity (pH) of the product 3.2–3.4. Reducing the concentration of toxic elements, radionuclides and nitrate in canned fruit and vegetable part after long-term storage is due to their partial transition with small pieces of flesh to the marinade as a result of natural diffusion.
Conclusion. These data confirm the feasibility of replacing acetic acid with the natural organic acids of the fruit and berry raw materials, resulting in product pH below 3.8. Low active acidity can mitigate heat treatment, by applying the traditional lower temperatures and shorter term pasteurization (95±2 оC for 2–3 min).

Author Biographies

Natalia ОRLOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of technical sciences, professor

Svitlana KAZACHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer

Igor KUZ'MENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

ОRLOVA Н., KAZACHENKO С., & KUZ’MENKO І. (2013). Harmlessness of vegetable and fruit canned food. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 16(2), 162–168. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/1387

