Identification of the perfumery liquid products


  • Tetiana KRYUK Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky


perfumery liquid products, eau de toilette, standartisation, identification, quality, counterfeiting


Background. Modern perfume market in Ukraine is quite saturated, but the reduction of own manufacture has increased the number of imported products and the increase in the share of counterfeit products and products of low quality. The purpose of the article is to review current Ukrainian national standards for perfumery liquids, their analysis for the identification and detection of counterfeit goods.
Material and methods. The research was conducted by organoleptic and physico-chemical methods, that regulated of the current regulations, including gas chromatography and volumetric method.
Results. The study highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the current regulatory framework for perfumery and cosmetic products in comparison with the standards of the USSR and the Russian Federation. It is shown that national standards of Ukraine include an extensive classification of fragrance products; describe in detail the methods of products testing, impose requirements on product safety and allow professionals to accurately determine the identity of a particular product type.
Five samples of toilet water were identified. Samples belonging to a certain type of perfumery liquids were established and counterfeit products were revealed. It is shown that uniquely identify a liquid perfumes is possible only by a set of indicators, the main ones being the volume fraction of ethanol and the sum of the mass fraction of fragrances.
Conclusion. The domestic market is saturated with counterfeit perfume products foreign manufacture, the identification of which is possible only if a comprehensive study that includes an analysis of marking, identification organoleptic and physicochemical parameters. To unequivocally establish authenticity proposed to determine the chemical composition of the fragrances of perfumes and their origin.

Author Biography

Tetiana KRYUK, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

KRYUK Т. (2013). Identification of the perfumery liquid products. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 16(2), 154–161. etrieved from

