Рermeability of combined packaging material from the renewable resources


  • Antonina DUBININA Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
  • Svitlana LEHNERT Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
  • Olga KRUHLOVA Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade


packing, permeability, external mechanical action


Background. There is no ideal packaging material, which would undergo with a balanced ratio of all claims that it has put forward. This is why the laminated and composite materials have the most universal characteristics though there is acute problems of eliminating waste synthetic analogues.
Purpose of the work is to study the influence of external mechanical effects (bend and break) on the permeability of the packaging material developed from renewable raw materials: cellulose, chitosan, wax.
Material and methods. The basis of combined packaging material (CPM ) – Cardboard brand SBB; film coating – with chitosan with a degree of low food distillation 79 % (by " Bioprohres", Russia), plasticizer film-forming solution – glycerol. To create the hydrophobia of chitosan coating on its surface coated with a thin layer of beeswax.
The influence of geometry, which takes in the formation of packaging material, on permeability. Measurement of the samples CPM was held by gravimetric method according to GOST 25898–83 [12].
Results. It is proved that the application of chitosan coating helps to provide some flexibility for CPM. This reduces stress rupture due to damping applied stress elasticity. The number of layers of chitosan coating affects the permeability of the material itself, which even at large bending is less than the single-layer coating. Conversely, increasing the number of layers of wax coating makes changing permeability at lower values of curvature as the wax has less elasticity. As a result, it is damaged with less mechanical stress.
Conclusion. It was determined that for bending up to 100 m-1 effect on permeability can be considered slight (20 %). For curvature within 100 <R-1 <360 m-1 water vapor permeability increases rather significantly. It is also found that the kinks should be no more than one in every 5 mm. Results confirm the possibility of packaging of various geometries and during transporting the products packed in new packaging deformation is possible and kinks will not reduce its quality.

Author Biographies

Antonina DUBININA, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

candidate of technical sciences, professor

Svitlana LEHNERT, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Olga KRUHLOVA, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer


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How to Cite

DUBININA А., LEHNERT С., & KRUHLOVA О. (2013). Рermeability of combined packaging material from the renewable resources. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 16(2), 132–139. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/1381

