Method of identification of the structural-mechanical properties of fish preserves



rheological properties, fish products, penetration, relaxation efforts, indentor


Background. The main tool methods of fish products structural-mechanic properties estimation have a significant disadvantage – these methods do not take into account the structural features of the fish, including the location of the fish muscles which are not at right angle to the plane of cutting. This research was aimed to modify penetration method of fish products consistency determination with the help of Universal measuring computer equipment.
Material and methods. Penetration was performed using a cylindrical indenter with a diameter of 2.5 mm at a speed of 0.32 m/s to power resistance 50 kPa. High-speed electronic dynamometer by ITM was used as a sensor, it’s point value was 1.5 mN, it’s measuring range was 0–4.75 H and it’s speed was 10,000 measurements per second. During the indication of relaxational effort power the frequency of measuring was lowered to 100 s-1.
Results. The samples of preserves of "Flagman" and "Baltiiskyi Bereh" brands have much wider range of elastic properties, hence can store presentation despite the influence of large deformation stress. Preserves of trademark "Revaha" have a wide range (zone) of plasticity, but under the influence of load from 26.8–38.2 kPa product irreversibly changes its shape, which significantly affects its appearance and therefore such product requires hard packaging.
Conclusion. Developed method of complex structural and mechanical properties determining allows to quickly estimate the quality and preparedness of fish products including fish structure peculiarities.

Author Biography

Olena ROMANENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

ROMANENKO О. (2013). Method of identification of the structural-mechanical properties of fish preserves. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 16(2), 58–65. etrieved from

