Market analysis of flour products


  • Oksana NIKISHINA Institute of market problems and economic & ecological research of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Odessa)


tegrated flour market, sector structure, reproduction processes deformations, government regulation


Background. The development of a reproduction mechanism of regulation of the integrated market of flour, which is focused on guarantee of expanded reproduction of resources in sectors of a market, stipulates a necessity of innovative market analysis techniques application. For this reason, a sector analysis of dynamics and deformations of the reproduction processes enables to estimate an efficiency of utilization of market potential. This defines a timeliness and the purpose of this article.
Material and methods. The analysis of the market of flour is carried out for 2005–2012 years with use of methods of the sector and dynamic analysis, structural and logical and balance methods. A theoretical base of the article is composed of the theory of a reproduction cycle, studies of scientists and market analysts. An empirical base is the article is composed of official data of Public service of statistics of Ukraine and the Public customs service of Ukraine.
Results. The reproduction structure of the integrated market of flour includes four following sectors: raw materials sector, production sector, infrastructure sector and consumers sector. In 2012 in comparison with 1990 output production of flour were declined by 65.4 %, level of use of production capacities amounted to 26.5 %. In 2012 volume of export of flour amounted to 6.1 % part of its production volumes or respectively 0.65 % from grain export, which is a testimony to unrealised production and export market potentials.
In the course of research were identified two types of reproduction processes deformations in the flour market, as follows structural and financial deformations, and substantiated directions of reforming of the regulatory mechanism.
Conclusion. A flour market ranks a category of government integrated markets with the full reproduction cycle which development stimulates an activity of other adjacent markets. Implementation of mechanisms of export duties on wheat and stimulation of flour export would promote increase of efficiency of use of market potential.

Author Biography

Oksana NIKISHINA, Institute of market problems and economic & ecological research of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Odessa)

candidate of economics sciences, senior scientific researcher


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How to Cite

NIKISHINA О. 2013. Market analysis of flour products. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 16, 2 (Dec. 2013), 43–57.