Innovative potential of development of catering enterprises in Ukraine



development, innovation potential, enterprise, establishment, restaurant industry, innovation, sources of financing costs, intellectual capital, competitive advantage


Background. Today, the strategic target set in many countries are aimed at creating conditions for the economy transition to an innovative socially-oriented development model. Enterprises also take part in the process. Specified update research on the issue of assessment of innovation potential and other prerequisites for innovative development of restaurant industry enterprises (RI). The purpose of the study is evaluating existing innovative potential of RI enterprises in Ukraine and to define conditions for their innovation.
Results. It was established that at 115 RI enterprises operating in Ukraine the key prerequisites for selection and subsequent implementation of innovative strategies for their development, on the one hand, are the high intensity of competition in the market, mainly related to non-price factors, on the other – there are rather strong innovative capacity or sufficient levels of funding and an adequate level of intellectual capital for the effective transfer of technology and/or outsourcing functions of management innovation at an enterprise. Most RI enterprises in 2008 and 2010 had a low potential for innovative sources of financing costs and mediocre level of efficiency of intellectual capital, which, because of the economic difficulties, has not significantly improved in subsequent time periods. The presence of a dichotomy between the consumers interest in innovative changes in RI enterprises in Ukraine and the low level of innovative capacity, which hinders innovation activity of enterprises have been detected. It has been stablished that effective innovative change in RI enterprises may have the internal and nature of external origin.
Conclusion. In recent years priority of innovations for potential consumers of restaurant services is growing in Ukraine. Following factors prevents the development of innovative RI enterprises: zero innovation potential, low level of financial stability, losses, low demand for innovative products/services of RI and the absence or lack of qualified personnel or a tendency to weakening of intellectual potential. To ensure a strong competitive position in the market of innovative changes in RI enterprises should take place at least every 2–5 years and the greatest attention should be paid to internal trade and technology, production and technological innovation. Areas to stimulate innovative activity in RI in Ukraine have been defined.

Author Biographies

Galyna PIATNYTSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of economics sciences, professor

Oleh HRYHORENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Vitaliy NAIDIUK, Limited Liability Company "Lugansk Energy Association"

financial director


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How to Cite

PIATNYTSKA Г., HRYHORENKO О., & NAIDIUK В. (2013). Innovative potential of development of catering enterprises in Ukraine. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 16(2), 29–43. etrieved from