Development trends of Ukrainian retail trade enterprises


  • Andriy PREDEIN Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


trading enterprise, retail trade, strategic advantages


Background. Development of retail trade in Ukraine is a complex and dynamic process that occurs in the transformation change of the national economy under the influence of factors of economic, social and legal. The variability of these factors affect the trends of the market environment for commercial enterprises functioning, requiring appropriate management approaches to ensure the efficient and effective functioning in the long run.
Material and methods. The State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the scientific achievements of domestic and foreign scholars have been used in the study. The paper used the method of analysis and synthesis, comparison, grouping, and calculating the averages, graphical method and survey.
Results. The study analyzes the current state of retail trade enterprises of Ukraine.
The decrease retail trade enterprises increases the output of the retail trade.The development of trading companies in Ukrainian regions has been stuied.
Main 11 tendencies and factors that influence the development of trade enterprises and formation of strategic advantages has been identified.
The history of retail trade development in Ukraine has been generalized and its 7 main stages have been desribed.
Conclusion. Retail trade industry is growing and is in a state of quantitative and qualitative transformation. Though the number of retail trade enterprises in decreasing, their profitability and output is increasing. Retail enterprises are actively renovated and new approaches to retail trade enterprises functioning are implemented as modern commercial enterprises can not stay out of world trends of management strategies decision making.

Author Biography

Andriy PREDEIN, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

PREDEIN А. (2013). Development trends of Ukrainian retail trade enterprises. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 16(2), 18–29. etrieved from