Honey press of chordial radial type


  • Roman CHEPOK Kherson State University
  • Volodymyr CHEPOK Kherson State University
  • Iryna NOSOVA Kherson State University


umping out honey, effects of turbulent, effects of helicopter, advantages and disadvantages of honey press, construction of honey press, electric honey press


Background. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of manual and electric honey of chordial and radial type is presented in the article. Electric one has bigger output capacity, but it’s not used for transportable apiaries, because one must have an engine with relevant capacity in a field.
Material and methods. In the offered honey press the "effect of turbulence" is eradicated due to the newest construction of rotor. Its feature is a hardly junction between three cylindrical five scope cassettes with the cellular scopes of different type and size, that are reliably fastened in three points.
"A helicopter or vent effect" which destroys honeycombs is eradicated by semi lids, that are disposed above honey press. Engine of the strap and friction start located in the underbody leads to the diminish of weight center of honey press. It increases firmness of work of honey press without the use of mechanisms for fastening to the foundation or flooring.
Amount of frames, which can be pumped out for a cycle is from one to fifteen (full load). Only three frames, which are located outside radiuses, at a full load work as in a radial honey press. Other twelve have deviations from such location and actually are on chords which are very close located to the chords of honey press. The angle of disparity with a radial location to each of four frames in a cassette makes approximately eleven degrees.
Results. The new electrical honey press of the chordial-radial type, in which there is no harmful "turbulent and helicopter effects" is designed and made.
Conclusion. The advantages of a constructed honey press are that it enables to pump out honey on the apiary of middle sizes (from fifty to one hundred bees’ families) without violating the rhythm of work when honey is being withdrawn. It also allows pumping out honey from honey-wax mass which appeared after unsealing honeycombs. The results of inventions, highlighted in the article, are submitted for the receipt of patent on a useful model.

Author Biographies

Roman CHEPOK, Kherson State University

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Volodymyr CHEPOK, Kherson State University

candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor

Iryna NOSOVA, Kherson State University

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

CHEPOK Р., CHEPOK В., & NOSOVA І. (2013). Honey press of chordial radial type. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 15(1), 143–150. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/1360

