Influence of finishing on electrifying ability of coat woolen fabric


  • Olena KHREBTAN Chernigiv State Technological University


electric properties of fabric, electrifying ability, chemical synthetic fiber, coat woolen fabric, antistatic agents, special fabric finishing.


Background. Fabrics that contain synthetic fiber obtain static charge and ability to react on outer electric field during processing. Lack of scientific studies on the effect of special processing on the features of the coat woolen fabrics, namely on electric, is because manufacture output of these fabrics domestic enterprises has decreased. The consequences of electrification are: The influence of special finishing on consumers’ values of woolen coat fabrics and quality properties of different purpose fabrics were explored in works of scientists:
Material and methods. Samples of cot fabrics were chosen from the range of Private limited company "KSK ‘CHEKSIL" (t. Chernihiw). Synthetic fiber included in studied coat woolen fabrics were polyamide fiber (0.33 teks), polyamide complex thread (2.2 teks), textured elastic polyamide thread and nitrone fiber. In the Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology named after L. I. Medved where performed the investigations of electrostatic field on the surface of fabric with finishing and without it with device IESTP – 1 [4].
The objective of article is investigation of electrifying ability of coat woolen fabrics with special finishing in comparison with fabrics free of finishing. It was necessary to find out if special complex finishing is able to influence the reduction of static electricity, that occur and condensate on that fabrics during exploitation.
Results. Electro static charge on the coat woolen fabrics with and without special finishing was identified. Antistatic effect was increased by using preparation KATAX AL. Results of investigation showed that fabrics with special finishing didn’t accumulate static electricity and were absolutely electrically safe.
Conclusion. Practicability of usage of special finishing of coat woolen fabrics with synthetic fiber for electrifying ability elimination is proved. Results of investigation have shown that coat fabrics with special dust-, water- and oil-proof finishing didn’t accumulate static electricity and were completely electric-safe.

Author Biography

Olena KHREBTAN, Chernigiv State Technological University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

KHREBTAN О. 2013. Influence of finishing on electrifying ability of coat woolen fabric. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 15, 1 (May 2013), 138–142.

