Fish protein mass water washing process optimization
washing, fish protein mass, factorial design, regression equationAbstract
Background. The processing raw shell freshwater low values commodity for protein mass type "surimi" actuality is substantiated.
The most influential factors at mince raw fish was set at the published data.
Was specified the study aim - stabilized fish protein mass optimum washing process parameters determination based at full factorial experiment.
Material and methods. In this part in details described the carp protein mass samples technological stages preparation.
The full factorial experiment matrix submitted under which was performed samples water washing.
Chosen optimization criterion – the proteins amount in solution after washing and described their analysis method.
Results. Рresents the regression equation, which reliably and adequately describes the process carp protein mass water washing within the selected factors experiment boders, which are: temperature – 5–15 ˚C, the washing duration – 120–720 с, hydraulic module 0.5–6.0, the number of washings – 1–4.
Using the regression coefficients values in the coded equation assessed each of the input factors impact on the quality of fish protein masses washing adopted in the factor space.
According to the regression equation in physical terms predicted output parameter value in the study area input factors.
Was solved the optimization problem, which set the maximum proteins amount in the wash solution. Presented reviews surface for different number of washings.
In extreme points of spatial graphic models were made data interpolation, which gave an opportunity to assess the rate extracting proteins process changing during washing of minced raw fish.
Conclusion. Presents recommended washing process regime to obtain stabilized carp protein mass. Specified gelling ability fish protein masses promising research, washed in pre-set modes.
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