Development of restaurant industry in Donetsk region
restaurant business, problems, tendencies, strategies of development, classification of establishments of restaurant economy, Technical and economic indexes, Donetsk areaAbstract
Background. Creation of successful development strategy for restaurant business, which is in tune with modern economical tendencies and current market conditions, is virtually impossible without close monitoring of structural changes in the industry. This is why it is paramount to research and highlight the main issues and the main factors, which influence the development and investment opportunities of restaurant business in Donetsk region. This research is the main purpose of this article.
Material and methods. To resolve a certain aspect of research, the following methods were used: general economic, statistics, mathematical economic as well as analytical and methods of systematic approach. The previously conducted research by industry experts forms a theoretical basis for writing this research paper. Statistics and other relevant information on business development in the area are an empirical part of the study.
Results. The main reasons for haltered development of the restaurant business in Donetsk region are: sharp fall in the profitability of the restaurants, rise in the cost of running the business. As the result of this, we can observe a sharp decline in the number of restaurants, while the fast food chain segment of the business is experiencing growth. Another aspect, is the shortage of qualified restaurant personnel.
Amongst the retail enterprises, the market share of restaurant business in the period from 2007 to 2011 has a potential for growth and comprises 15.6 % in 2011, that is 0.4 % higher than in 2010 and 3.3 % higher than in 2007.
Conclusion. Today, the restaurant business in Donetsk region is going through stages of development and improvement. It makes this business more attractive for investors. Proper government’s attention and support, creation of advantageous marketing environment for investments will facilitate improvement of competitiveness of restaurant industry.
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