The factorial analysis of quality management of quick-frozen fruit and vegetable products



quick-frozen vegetable and fruit products, quality, factors, reason–consequence analysis


Background. The features of fruit and vegetable raw material are the basic factors of forming and saving of quality of quick-frozen vegetable and fruit products; terms of harvest; terms, duration of transporting and storing raw material before freezing; technology of freezing; methods of packing; terms of saving, transporting and realization; methods of unfreezing. Quality of the quick-frozen products formed in the process of production can not be well-kept without the observance of integrity of refrigeration chain. Aim of the paper – to identify reason-consequence relations between the quality of quick-frozen products and factors that influence it.
Material and methods. Material of the research is quick-frozen vegetable and fruit products. For the analysis an Ishicavi method was used, which was formally presented in a form of a diagram of reason-consequence relation. The importance of factors of influence has been established at an enterprise according to the deviation from the average indicator and presented with the linguistic terms "low", "middle", "high". Conversion of unprecise was done data into precise with a method of "gravity center".
Results. Factors that influence the quality of quick-frozen fruit and vegetable products during productions and promotion and the importance of each one have been established. It has been identified, that basic attention on the stage of choice and preparation of raw material to freezing must be directed on the control of obeying terms of its transporting and storing and accordance of garden-stuffs and vegetables after the degree of ripeness.
From technological point of view quality formation is state of equipment, document, and organization of control of obeying technology is most significant. During work organization and providing of necessary work conditions special attention should be paid to organization of workplace and providing of the proper qualification of workers. During organization of transporting – development and implementation of automatic devices of control of temperature in a vehicle during transporting. On the stage of realization – establishment of accordance of the technical state of refrigeration equipment to the normative requirements.
Conclusion. Application of Ishicavi method allows to show dependence of quality of the prepared product on the basic factors of its formation, to identify the potential reasons of defects origin and minimize probability of their emergence.

Author Biography

Svitlana BELІNSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of technical sciences, professor


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How to Cite

BELІNSKA С. 2013. The factorial analysis of quality management of quick-frozen fruit and vegetable products. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 15, 1 (May 2013), 5–15.

