Economic and merchandising evaluation of area-specific in Ukraine sorts of sweet corn


  • Аlyna KOVAL Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Natalia DIDUKH Kharkiv National V. Dokuchaev University of Agriculture


sweet corn, competitiveness, economic and merchandising indicators, complex characterization, rank scale, the overall index


Background. In 2013 55 varieties of this crop were included into the State register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine [1]. Data listed in the Register is incomplete, so it is hard to discover the perfect characterization for commerce.
That is why the aim was to identify the best of the vast number of varieties and hybrids of sweet corn from sets of economic and merchandising indicators by mathematical methods of statistics.
Material and methods. The objects of research are the sorts and hybrids of sweet corn listed in the State register of plants suitable for distribution in Ukraine [1]. Merchandising and economic indicators were studied on the bases of the data presented in Catalogues of varieties of plants of State seed-trial stations. The calculation of competitiveness of sweet corn sugar was implemented on the basis of the methodology of V. Koltunov [5] for the economic and functional performance.
Results. 23 varieties and hybrids of sweet corn have been analyzed for complex commodity and economic indicators (table 1). The economic aspect of growing sweet corn in conveyor way that is not always advantageous due to lower productivity and marketability with each successive sowing was studied (table 2).
5-grade ranking scale of competitiveness of sweet corn was developed on the basis of optimal values of economic and merchandising indicators from table 3 (table 4).
It has been identified that none of the given hybrids has achieved the maximum index (table 5).
Conclusion. Developed method enables to determine the complex of economic and merchandising features to define the best competitive varieties and hybrids of sweet corn.
The highest ratio of competitiveness received the following hybrids: Kokani F1 (0.69) – the first place, Legacy F1 (0.61) – the second place, Perfect F1 (0.54) – the third place (table 5).

Author Biographies

Аlyna KOVAL, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Natalia DIDUKH, Kharkiv National V. Dokuchaev University of Agriculture

Assistance Lecturer


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How to Cite

KOVAL А. and DIDUKH Н. 2014. Economic and merchandising evaluation of area-specific in Ukraine sorts of sweet corn. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 18, 2 (Dec. 2014), 61–69.

