The technology of nut sauces with balanced fatty acid composition


  • Lyubov TELEZHENKO Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
  • Maryana KASHKANO Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies


nut sauce, recipe designing, fatty acid composition, polyunsaturated fatty acids, textural characteristics, viscosity


Background. The range of liquid seasonings for dishes, especially nut sauces, implemented in catering establishments is limited. Development of new recipes of balanced sauces based on physiological needs, consumption rates and the ratio of major nutrients, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, is one of the most promising tasks nowadays.
Materials and methods. The subjects of the research were nut-based sauce "Korysnyi balance" and sauce analogue Bazha made by traditional recipe N 8.47 [11]. Modeling of the sauce recipe with a balanced composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids was performed using the Microsoft Excel worksheet processor. The main rheological parameters of the sauces (viscosity and liquidity) [12], content of soluble dry substances [13], thickness [14] were determined. Determination of organoleptic characteristics of the sauces was performed by sensory and profile analysis. The content of fatty acids was done by capillary gas chromatography by chromatograph НР6890 Hewlett Packard.
Results. The choice of raw materials was substantiated and sauce recipe with a balanced composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids was developed on the basis of linear programming. According to the research of basic rheological and physic-chemical quality indicators technological modes and conditions of sauce production were recommended. Tasting assessment showed improvement of organoleptic indicators of the developed product compared with sauce-analogue.
Conclusion. A technology of the nut sauce with balanced composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids "Korysnyi balance" was developed. It was found that the consumption of the recommended servings of product satisfies omega-6 and omega-3 PUFA need by 55 %.

Author Biographies

Lyubov TELEZHENKO, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

doctor of technical sciences, professor

Maryana KASHKANO, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

assistance lecturer


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How to Cite

TELEZHENKO Л. and KASHKANO М. 2014. The technology of nut sauces with balanced fatty acid composition. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 17, 1 (Jun. 2014), 175–184.

