Operational properties of epoxy-acrylic water dispersion coatings


  • Raisa DOMNICHENKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


water dispersion coating, operational properties, filler, film forming polymer, epoxy-acrylic polymer


Background. In this paper the connection between the composition, structure and operational properties of paint coatings based on water dispersions of polymers is considered. The structure of paint coatings is determined by the nature and the grade of interaction between the film forming polymer agent and the value of filler volume concentration.
Material and methods. As the film forming agent the epoxy-acrylic polymer water dispersion was used, the fillers were native silicate and carbonate materials. The goal of this work is the determination of interaction character in epoxy-acrylic polymer – filler system, formation of critical concentration value of the filler and influence of it on the operational properties of coatings.
Results. It was determined that the surface activeness of kaolin materials is higher than in case of carbonates. It was demonstrated that the increase of adsorption ability of filler surface leads to the increase of mechanical strength of coatings together with decrease of elasticity and adhesion properties. The value of critical concentration is determined by two main parameters: particle packing density of filler and surface activeness of it. Increase of the first parameter lets to increase the value of the critical filler concentration, and the second is characterized with reverse effect.
Conclusion. The control of operational properties of coatings can be made as by the selection of filler type, as well as the variation of their concentration. It was stated that the fillers with low surface activity lets to essentially increase the value of critical concentration and thereby, the limit filling value, this is economically expedient solution.

Author Biography

Raisa DOMNICHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

DOMNICHENKO Р. (2014). Operational properties of epoxy-acrylic water dispersion coatings. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 17(1), 118–123. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/1280

