The development of restaurant’s business in Ivano-Frankivsk Region in Ukraine


  • Andriy TSYUTSYAK Ivano-Frankivsk university of law named after Danylo Galytskyy


restaurant management, market, network, turnover of restaurant management, retail turnover, profits


Background. In the article highlighted macro- and microeconomic factors influencing the activities of institutions nutrition Ivano-Frankovsk region. Conducted assessment of the current condition and trends development market restaurants study area. Singled out existing problems in the functioning company, basic type economic activity which aims to provide consumers with food and drinks, and outlines the main ways their solution.
Materials and methods. Information base for writing the article were formed by statutory enactments of Ukraine and official materials of State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Methods of scientific experience, systematic approach and generalization were applied for making a complex evaluation of key economic indicators of function of restaurant’s business in Ivano-Frankivsk Region, and methods of comparison and graphic description were applied in analytical researches.
Results. Exercised comparative analysis share of the cost on food outside the home in the structure of the budget households in different countries. Received the result are compared with the domestic market restaurants. Established that share of the cost for restaurant services is merely 1.8 % of all income Ukraine. Specified due mentality of consumers and the current state of the national economy.
Conclusion. Proved necessity adoption appropriate measures aimed at leveling imbalance development network Institutions nutrition and optimize their performance.

Author Biography

Andriy TSYUTSYAK, Ivano-Frankivsk university of law named after Danylo Galytskyy

senior lecturer


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How to Cite

TSYUTSYAK А. 2014. The development of restaurant’s business in Ivano-Frankivsk Region in Ukraine. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 17, 1 (Jun. 2014), 49–59.